Friday, 22 March 2024 (14:30 – 17:30)
AULA IA-4 Complesso di Agnano, Via Nuova Agnano, 30 - NAPOLI
(Per gli studenti di PhD il seminario vale 1 CFU)

Prof. Dieter Scholz
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg)

Dieter Scholz is a professor in Aircraft Design, Flight Mechanics, and Aircraft Systems at HAW Hamburg, where he is head of the Aircraft Design and Systems Group (AERO). He studied at the University of Hannover and at Purdue University (USA). He was a systems engineer at Airbus in Hamburg and a temporary lecturer at Queens University Belfast, UK. He obtained his PhD at the Hamburg University of Technology. His academic interests also include Flight Testing and questions related to Aviation & Society. (http://cv.profscholz.de)

Seminar Agenda

  • Welcome and Opening Speech
  • Decoding Aviation's Climate Challenge In this section, Prof. Scholz will engage with ten pressing questions that shape the dialogue on aviation's environmental impact:
    • Are aviation emissions relevant?
    • Fuel consumption or emissions?
    • What climate goals does aviation have?
    • What climate goals does the EU have for aviation?
    • How do we get from oil to new aviation energy sources?
    • Can fuel consumption and emissions be reduced?
    • What are the fuel consumption and emissions of passenger aircraft?
    • Which is better for the environment – plane or train?
    • What ideas and possible solutions are there? o What can we actually do ourselves?
  • Calculating Aviation's Environmental Footprint
    In this section, Prof. Scholz will delve into the technical aspects with discussions on:
    • Equivalent CO2 mass calculation: how to measure the carbon footprint of flying.
    • Contrail formation and management.
    • The impact of flying lower.
  • Coffee Break
  • EASA's Environmental Stewardship
    This final session will give a detailed look at the EASA’s Environmental Label Programme.
  • Q&A Session and Final Considerations

For more information, please contact Prof. Fabrizio Nicolosi (E-mail: fabrizio.nicolosi@unina.it)